I had to drive through Desa Setapak to get something 2 nights ago- had to get dinner actually. Jalan 4/27a was traffic nightmare (road heading into Desa Setapak- on the left is Wangsa Metroview and right is Menara Alpha and the Section 2 flats) in the past but it's just gotten worst. Cars park on the left and right of Jalan 4/27a leaving only a small squeeze for my car. This area's economy and population is boomed, bursting at the seams. DBKL is not doing anything except carrying out raids on hawker shops and extorting money from shop operators for non-compliance. This place is a mess at night- and it's one of the best places to get food anytime.
Does anyone have any bright ideas to improve Desa Setapak?
Does anyone have any bright ideas to improve Desa Setapak?

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