Pakatan Rakyat's Selangor State Administration has devised this scheme whereby qualifying Selangor senior citizens can name a beneficiary to get a total payout of RM2,500 upon their passing away; with a RM1,000 initial payment and RM1,500 to follow suit in 60 days' time.
The scheme reaches the qualifying Selangor citizens residing in Wangsa Maju, despite it is under Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. This is made possible with the effort put in by YB Wee Choo Keong and his service centre staff as well as the staff at Rangkaian Mesra Usia Emas Sdn Bhd.
Bravo, chaps!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Here are 3.
Below: A group photo showing the recipients pleased with the previously unavailable and unimaginable people-friendly scheme.
There are 2 schools of thoughts in Malaysia:
1) School A think it is worthwhile to hand out some money in differing forms after a death with a by-election necessary thereon; and
2) School B think it is worthwhile to have a proper scheme whereby when a family's qualifying elder has passed away, a beneficiary previously approved by the demised would get a pre-determined amount, by-election or general election not withstanding.
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