Rumour has it that money magnet named 1Care Malaysia calls for 10% or whatever to be clawed away from our salaries.
Terdapat desas desus bahawa tatkala 1CareMalaysia diperkenalkan, gaji semua rakyat akan dipotong 10% sebagai caruman wajib ke dana 1Care Malaysia.
Let’s for a moment imagine what our pocket will look like.
Sama-sama kita renung sejenak apakah yang akan terjadi kepada pendapatan bulanan kita.
We have
Mr. A, a 30 year old man with 2 kids working as an assistant manager with a stay at home wife to look after his newly arrived twins, his salary is RM4,000;
Encik A berusia 30 tahun dan bekerja sebagai seorang pembantu pengurus bergaji bulanan RM4,000. Isterinya adalah suri rumahtangga yang menjaga dua bayi kembar mereka;
Miss B, 19 year old single lass with SPM certificate working as an operator in a factory;
Cik B, berusia 19 tahun lepasan SPM yang bekerja di sebuah kilang sebagai operator;
Madam C, a 26 year old single mother who works in the same factory with Miss B with 2 pre-school kids; and
Puan C, seorang ibu tunggal berusia 26 tahun merupakan rakan sejawat Cik C dan beliau mempunyai 2 orang anak yang belum cukup usia memasuki sekolah lag;i dan
Mr. D, a man in his early 30s working as a marketing manager with a lucky stay at home wife and 2 kids.
Encik D yang berusia 30’an tahun dan bekerja sebagai seorang pengurus pemasaran dan isterinya adalah seorang suri rumahtangga dan menpunyai 2 orang anak.
In Malaysia, we have to pay income tax if our income, after taking a long list of deductions, is above RM2,500.00.
Di Malaysia, kita perlu membayar cukai sekiranya pendapatan tahunan kita selepas segala perlepasan cukai yang dibenarkan melebihi RM2,500.
Mr A's position:
Kedudukan Encik A:
Mr A's position:
Kedudukan Encik A:
For Mr A, once 1Care kicks off, will see that in addition to paying income tax of RM1,085.40, will see him contributing an additional RM4,800 (RM400 per month) for 1Care Malaysia. His take home pay of barely RM3,500 will suffer a further loss of RM400.His effective tax rate of 2.3% raise up to an impressive 12.3% because he is paying in advance medical care, whether or not he needs it.
Apabila 1Care Malaysia dimulakan, selain dariada bayaran cukai RM1,085.40 setahun, gaji beliau akan dipotong lagi RM4,800 (RM400 sebulan) sebagai caruman kepada dana 1Care Malaysia. Gaji bersih beliau yang tidak menjangkau RM3,500 itu akan dipotong RM400 lagi. Kadar cuka sebenarnya naik daripada 2.3% kepada 12.3% kerana beliau terpaksa membayar kos perubatan terdahulu, tak kira sama ada beliau memerlukan perkhidmatan itu atau tidak.
If after public pressure in probable election year, the Rakyat Didahulukan Kerajaan yang prihatin lower the imaginary 10% to 6%, it is still an impressive RM2,880 (RM240 per month)
Seandainya terdapat bantahan umum yang lantang dalam tahun ini yang berkemungkinan besar pilihanraya akan diadakan ini, Kerajaan yang Rakyat Didahulukan dan berprihatin ini mungkin menurunkan kadar khabar angin ini daripada 10% kepada 6%, potongan Encik A berjumlah RM2,880 (RM240 sebulan)
Mr A has to decide to cancel Astro or internet subscription plus cutting back on other household expenditure. Mrs A, would lose some form of entertainment or the kids will have less health supplements. Mr A’s parents who rely on their filial son to support them, may find that their allowance is cut.
Mr A perlu membuat keputusan memberhentikan perkhidmatan Astro atau internet serta mengurangkan lain-lain perbelanjaan seisi rumahtangga. Isterinya akan kehilangan beberapa kemudahan yang menceriakannya ataupun makanan berkhasiat anak mereka terpaksa dikurangkan. Ibubapa Encik A yang bergantung kepada beliau untuk sara hidup akan terjejas juga.
High income nation, huh.
Iktibar negara berpendapatan tinggi.
B & C's position:
Kedudukan B & C:

Note: these 2 ladies would not be able to purchase medical insurance and of course spouse relief is not available
Nota: dua kaum wanita ini tidak mampu membeli insurans perubatan serta tidak layak dapat perlepasan pasangam
Miss B was not supposed to pay any taxes. She earns RM25 a day working as an operator and since she wants to start her own little food stall, she decide to work overtime to save as much as possible. She works overtime 4 hours a day, 22 days a month. She leaves the factory at 9pm every night believing that she can save faster if she sacrifice for a few years.
Cik B sepatutnya tidak perlu bayar cukai pendapatan. Gaji hariannya sebagai seorang operator adalah RM25 dan demi mencapai hasratnya membuka sebuah gerai makanan, beliau mengambil keputusan membanting tulang bekerja lebih masa untuk menyimpan wangnya untuk tujuan ini. Beliau bekerja lebih masa 4 jam sehari, 22 hari sebulan. Beliau bekerja sampai 9 malam saban hari kerana beliau yakin pengorbanan untuk beberapa tahun membolehkannya mencapai cita-citanya.
With 1Care, she has to stand to pay RM1,155 (if 10%) or RM693 (if 6% instead). That amounts to a month and a half of her basic pay, or almost 3 months of her overtime pay.
Dengan 1Care, beliau terpaksa mencarumkan RM1,155 (jika kadar 10%) ataupun RM693 (jika kadar 6%). Jumlah caruman tahunan ini bersamaan gaji sebulan setengah beliau, ataupun lebih kurang gaji lebih masa beliau untuk 3 bulan.
Madam C on the other hand, cannot work late as she has to rush back to cook and feed her 2 kids, age 4 and 3 years old. She is also on RM25 per day but can only work 1 hour overtime a day. That is after much begging to the factory manager who thinks 1 hour overtime is disruptive to the production line.
Puan C pula tidak boleh kerja lewat kerana terpaksa bergegas pulang untuk jaga 2 anak kecilnya berusia 4 dan 3 tahun. Gaji beliau juga RM25 sehari tetapi beliau hanya boleh kerja lebih masa sejam sehari. Inipun setelah beliau merayu bertubi-tubi kepada pengurus kilang yang rasa kerja lebih masa sejam beliau sebenarnya mengganggu operasi kilang.
Madam C’s status is elevated from non-tax paying to contributing RM783.75 (at 10%) or RM470.25 (at 6%), more than that RM500 election year tax payer funded handout. She will be contributing RM65.51 / RM39.19 every month to 1Care Malaysia; equivalent to her 1 week food supply, depending on how poorly her family is fed. She is probably struggling to pay her rental and her no good husband is probably never going to come back.
Taraf Puan C dinaikkan kerana daripada seorang yang tidak perlu bayar cukai, beliau akan dikenakan cukai dalam nama lain berjumlah RM783.75 (pada kadar 10%) ataupun RM470.25 (pada kadar 6%), lebih daripada itu apa nama bayaran RM500 dalam tahun pilihanraya yang dibiayai oleh para pembayar cukai. Beliau akan mencarumkan RM65.51 / RM39.19 sebulan kepada 1Care Malaysia; bersamaan dengan belanja makanan seminggu beliau, bergantung kepada kemampuannya. Besar kemungkinan beliau menghadapi masalah membayar sewa rumahnya dan suami beliau yang tak boleh dipakai itu tidak akan kembali kepada pangkuannya.
Mr D's position:
Kedudukan Mr D:
Mr D's position:
Kedudukan Mr D:
Mr D got a promotion and earns RM10,000 as the company’s new marketing manager. He probably felt that his income was high enough for his wife to stay home and look after the kids so Mrs D quit her job and middle fingered her bitchy boss.
Encik D dinaik pangkat menjadi pengurus pemasaran baru dan gaji barunya berjumlah RM10,000. Beliau rasa dengan gaji lumayan ini, isterinya boleh menjadi suri rumahtangga dan menjaga dua orang anak kesayangannya. Oleh itu Puan D telah letak jawatan dan menumpukan seluruh perhatian ke atas cahaya mereka.
Mr D’s net pay, after deducting SOCSO, EPF, income tax is about RM7,700++. Suddenly, with an additional RM1,000 hack off his net pay, it dropped to RM6,600++. He is already bought medical insurance for himself in case anything goes wrong. Now his cash flow suddenly become tighter and his monthly installments for his RM400,000 condominium and Toyota Vios becomes unbearable and he finds cash for his monthly household expenditure is insufficient. He was thinking of buying some education insurance for his kid, or taking his wife for a holiday in Hong Kong. All this becomes difficult unless he goes on consumer credit, which bears 17% interest.
Gaji bersih Encik D, selepas potongan SOCSO, KWSP dan cukai pendapatan adalah RM7,000 lebih. Tiba-tiba, RM1,000 sebulan dicantas daripada gaji bersih beliau yang menurun epada RM6,000 lebih. Beliau telah membeli insurans perubatan untuk diri sendirinya supaya keluarga beliau tidak terjejas sekiranya terdapat apa-apa yang terjadi kepadanya. Kini, dengan tiba-tibanya aliran tunainya tersekat dan bayaran ansuran beliau untuk kondominium berharga RM400,000 dan Toyota Viosnya menjadi satu tekanan jiwa dan beliau mendapati gaji bersihnya tidak cukup menampung segala keperluannya. Dulu, beliau berhasrat membeli insurans pendidikan untuk anak-anaknya, ataupun membawa isterinya melancong ke Hong Kong. Semua ini menjadi sukar dan mungkin beliau terpaksa berhutang dengan syarikat kad kredit yang akan mengenakannya fardah 17%.
So whatever your wage scale is, you might feel a pinch or two.
Oleh itu, walau apa pun jumlah gaji anda, anda akan terasa kesan potongan ini juga.
and to be really harsh about this, Ms. B and Mdm. C can't turn to becoming bohsia/pelacur for extra money because every Joe and Jack Street is going to feel this pinch.
ReplyDeletegiven the choice between p*ssy and medication for that smog-induced persistent cough, only die-hards n the ones who want to "die, hard" will jump on those ladies!
Anom, harsh words but I see your points. Even the aquas and street walkers will feel the pinch.
Deleteall businesses will also suffer because the disposable income of consumers are sucked away.
Only Pakatan can save us now.
ReplyDeletewell, Anom, we have to do our part too....make sure you vote out the perpetuators!
DeleteBN got no more money...this 1Care scam is company provided me with an annual hospital admission coverage of Rm why should I join this 1Care...? Another way to "kill" the citizen by making our life extremely difficult...and if we does'nt utilize this 1Care, where will the money goes? Najib's pocket ? Huh.....
ReplyDeletethey will first create a storm and then say they are prihatin buggers just b4 GE.
DeleteSee the ridiculous toll rates for Johor-Singapore? Later sure reduce.
They are here for the rakyat, vote them in again la.
I have a feeling that this is a government-run Ponzi scheme.
ReplyDeleteWell all the 1Malaysia plans and projects are designed to drain tax they go one step further..they want to drajn everyone's pocket! All the subsidies on books for university student are just a way t o but it heart for the election.. I personally feel that it's the most stupid way to spend government's borrowed money...what they know about country development? NOThing!
ReplyDeleteThis 1Care is similar to the 'Medisave' in Singapore and they already implemented it long ago... What could i say? *ermmmmm
ReplyDeleteincorrect. Under S'pore system - your contribution remain yours whereas under 1Care, your contribution goes into a pool and you would not have your own account to keep track of your savings.
Medisave (Chinese: 保健储蓄) was introduced in April 1984 as a national medical savings account system for Singaporeans. The system allows Singaporeans to put aside part of their income into a Medisave account to meet future personal or immediate family's hospitalization, day surgery and for certain outpatient expenses.
Under this system, Singaporean employees contributes 6.5-9.0% (depending on age group) of their monthly salaries to a personal Medisave account. The savings can be withdrawn to pay the hospital bills of the account holder and immediate family members.
ReplyDeletewritten by flyer168, February 07, 2012 13:33:36
How about this…
Not many Malaysians have heard of 9Bio let alone know what this company is all about but what they should know is that it is a wholly government owned company that has misused, wasted and siphoned away public funds equivalent to the cost of erecting the Petronas Twin Towers.
9Bio -
9Bio: Waste of funds or adding value? « Tax Payer Rambling -
Health provision varies around the world. Almost all wealthy nations provide universal health care (the US is an exception). Health provision is challenging due to the costs required as well as various social, cultural, political and economic conditions.
There isn’t one answer to health care provision, but a number of systems and issues seem to be emerging. This page provides a high level overview.
Health Care Around the World — Global Issues -
You be the judge.
written by flyer168, February 07, 2012 13:09:34
Just to share this...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Malaysian Health Minister reflective of Malaysia's ills
I refer to Zafar Shah’s letter “The Arrogant Malaysian Health Minister” and cannot agree with him more.
This guy’s conceit and condescending remarks are not only disgusting but increasingly reflective of this government’s “couldn’t be bothered attitude” towards Malaysians in general.
He thinks he has rammed down the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998 down GPs’ throats and now can sneakily ram down the National Healthcare Financing Scheme down the public’s throats by appointing a foreign consultant and a local CEO while hiding behind the OSA.
Leadership in Healthcare died with Sardon Jubir (Read MGG Pillai),
when the MOH became nothing more then a vehicle for money making.
Just look who are the Deans, Presidents of Private Medical Colleges or don't be surprised who directors are of medical equipment suppliers - ex-MOH officials including ex-DGs.
So much for transparency, corruption, etc, etc.
Even Judges in this country are not allowed to join a legal firm until after 5 years after retirement.
But in the MOH anything goes.
sembang kedai kopi: Malaysian Health Minister reflective of Malaysia's ills -
You be the judge.
written by Janie, February 07, 2012 12:00:24
ReplyDeleteMost of the government and civil servants get free medical services from the government hospitals. Rich MPs can afford to go to private clinics or private hospitals and some even go to foreign countries. Najib and Mamakutty went to local hospital for wayang only.
written by Amus, February 07, 2012 11:49:06
Where does traditional chinese medicine or homoeopathic medicine stand in this whole scheme of things ?
In more knowledgeable and enlightened society tcm and homoeopathy are becoming mainstream rather than alternative. Even allopathic doctors are learning homoeopathy and consistently prescribing homoeopathic medicine.
Why doesn't MOH spend some money to help develop this traditional system of health ? In the west allopathic medicine had been proven time and time again to be based on a failed paradigm.
Where does traditional chinese medicine or homoeopathic medicine stand in this whole scheme of things ?
In more knowledgeable and enlightened society tcm and homoeopathy are becoming mainstream rather than alternative. Even allopathic doctors are learning homoeopathy and consistently prescribing homoeopathic medicine.
Why doesn't MOH spend some money to help develop this traditional system of health ? In the west allopathic medicine had been proven time and time again to be based on a failed paradigm.
written by noname, February 07, 2012 11:39:45
Desperate A hole class of people! Robbed in broad daylight. Next GE, go figure it out if this is what we want from A class of people. Dumb A**
written by David Low, February 07, 2012 01:43:52
So the question is - How many 5 years you still want to give them? Enough is enough!!!
ReplyDeletewritten by ministry of crony`s, February 07, 2012 01:36:43
hai malaysian people,wake your eyes.How long we need to be suffer because of corrupted gov?Vote for chg new Goverment.Only with new Gov we can change the situation.Even we have many sources to produced the money but that means nothing if we still keep the poor Gov.Our Veto is only at Election Day.
written by jibGor, February 07, 2012 00:51:52
Najib Sudah Jalan Buntu , Tiada Idea Lain pakai 1 Care,
Sudah Ta Boleh jalan , Boleh Undur , Pencen Sahaja
Cukuplah . Sudah Tua Tak Layak Jadi PM
written by CN, February 06, 2012 23:53:55
Question to ARYAN - why is no details information forthcoming form MoH? Is is due to sheer incompetency, or deliberate withholding of information so as to give room for cronies to fleece the rakyat dry?
Call me a cynic, but given BN track record, it is looking more like 1Crony Malaysia Health Care Scam to me!
written by CrookinparAdize, February 06, 2012 20:41:09
It's ok la. We are here to save the NAZIb personal welfare! The rakyat must care for the BN 1CRONY!
ReplyDeletewritten by ck, February 06, 2012 20:25:57
If they return the billions that they stole, there would be more than enough to pay for poor workers' healthcare.
Or if they had not stolen so much from the country, the poor workers' salaries would have been much higher than they are and 1Care would either be unnecessary or welcomed because it would be within workers' affordability.
As long as those thieves are tuans, 1Care is only 2Curi
written by lee wee tak, February 06, 2012 19:40:45
I got my information from the mass media licensed by the BN federal government
the above calculation is per income tax act 1967 the MoH modus operandi is consistent with BN track record in legislation - no public consultation and result in lousy laws - errors in voter registration cannot be challenged in court, the finance minister can give income tax exemption by statutory order rather than tabling in parliament, RM10 fee per errorneously/fradulently registered voter etc.
Agree with you Aryan that MoH is not doing well in terms of explaining and assuring public. My political inclination is clear, BN, PR, Perkasa or Hindraf, as long as they are right for all tax payers, then they will get my voter, not exchangeable over RM100 every 5 years
written by ARYAN, February 06, 2012 18:58:43
While I do have some reservation about 1Care, it appears to me that the writer Lee is an alarmist and claims to know more than others who have been involved in the discussions and workshops organized by the Ministry of Health (MOH). Where did the writer get the information about 10% contribution by each and everyone. Wasn't he told that what ever percentage contribution to SHI will be shared by the employer and the employee just like the EPF and SOCSO contributions. The computation given by Lee is misleading if the employer's contribution is taken into account. Wasn't Lee told that Miss B and Madam C may not fall into the category who would need to contribute and would be exempted based on the low monthly income.
There are a lot of uncertainties leading to such misconceptions as evident from Lee's thesis and the MOH has to take the blame for being not forthright in disseminating more information. The culture of secrecy and "Aku Janji" mentality is still prevailing in the MOH like in other Government institutions. The MOH professional officers are unable to do anything as they have to take their cue from their political masters. To make matters worse the whole exercise of ICare planning is headed by a relative of the PM giving rise unnecessary suspicion.
I am not aware of the political inclination of the Writer Lee but I would suggest that Lee gets the facts right before writing alarming articles like this. Perhaps, Lee should further probe the ulterior motives of those who fed the information to him/her. The group of doctors that is spear heading the opposition are specialists who fear loss of influence and income if the the 1Care system imposes a gate-keeping function to the General Practitioners and there fore they would want the status quo. The gate keeping function is indeed vital to keep health care cost down and is practised in most of the developed countries.
ReplyDeletewritten by Ministry of Donkeys, February 06, 2012 17:34:33
Main problem is this stupid government keeps employing stupid government servants to come up with this wild schemes.....why doesnt this government take the view of its own rakyat and just do the right thing...
It is high time the Ministry Of Health's management be corporatised and every cent of the tax payer's money be made accountable....too many belajar sambil lawat Disneyland....and the end result is 1Care 1Pocket
written by Steven Yang, February 06, 2012 15:45:42
And they are going to implement the 4% GST tax soon if they retain power.
Now all the more to kick out AMMO and Barang Naik otherwise we shall all start bleeding and it will be too late.
written by jan48, February 06, 2012 15:33:09
Guess we have no choice but to vote out this stupid regime.
do you have mandarin version? wanna print for my parents
DeleteMy biggest sin is unable to type in chinese....hang head in shame...sorry ><"
Don't be so quick to blame the government. Way too many government doctors who head departments and are involve of major decision makings of implementing policies are huge opposition supporters. It's not government, its the hypocritical parasites of the opposition making incompetent decisions. If opposition go into power the same stupid incompetent ppl will still be there to decide n implement policies, even more freely n ridiculously since the opposition hardly has credible governance experience. They are Afterall traitorous gov servants rooting for the opposition.
ReplyDeleteYou think a change of gov will improve things?
Think again, you may be in for major major disappointments if its too late.
Already in opposition run states, corruption is in active cultivation if not already rampant. It's not a policy, its a human disease no humans are immuned to. And changing gov wil not automatically rectify it esp since New gov means new leaders with new found power and wealth at their disposal. Corruption most probly even worsen. and incompetencies are picking numbers and growing. They're good with drama and talks bt damn lousy at walking it
Lessen the bn 2 third majority is fine for check n balance so the gov will be more wary and cautious abt doing anything funny. Bt changing to a corrupted power crazed n grossly incompetent new gov....? That's just silly.
So you're saying BN isn't corrupt, power-crazed and grossly incompetent? We've had over 50 years of this bullshit. Enough is enough.
DeleteAnd how is being an opposition-leaning civil servant hypocritical? People have the right to their own political views, though they are civil servants. Get your logic right.
Also, could you point out how much of your so-called 'credible governance experience' BN has? Every time we think BN has hit rock bottom they sink to another low. And as for your claim that 'Lessen the bn 2 third majority is fine for check n balance so the gov will be more wary and cautious abt doing anything funny', how much has it been working so far? On the contrary, it would seem that BN has increased funding for its Department of Monkey Business. The opposition exists not just as a check and balance. If you have your doubts about their motives, then fine. But to your doubts about their competence I pose this question: just how wonderfully competent, not-power-crazed, and not-corrupt are the incumbents?
DeleteLee Wee Tak said...
ReplyDeletelo and behold an apologiest at who who rambles on without facts
1) the mega corruptions highlighted by the AG like NFC, overpriced marine binoculars, ocures under federal control
2) Penang state government been praised by the AG and Transparenc International
3) Selangor reserves all time high
enough said
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