Law is man-made regulations. People make mistakes and bad people makes bad decisions. When bad people make law, we ended up with bad laws.
For decades, inadequate delivery systems have diverted our law makers from their original legislation duty to that of local councilors, rendering the due process of drafting progressive, fair and reasonable law as a secondary, or even ignored, role.
World Class Parliament = World Class Law = Good Place to Live
Crap Parliament = Crap Law = Crappy Place to Live
Within the MP ranks, with characters such as “close one eye”, “bocor” and “RM1 million FB page”, how many right minded tax payers can safely say they have the utmost confidence in their ability then?
This is what I have in mind when I read some of the laws relating to conduct of general elections.
1. Objections to any addition to the voters’ roll must be made within 7 days from the date the supplementary electoral roll is open for inspection; (supposedly every quarter hence 4 times a year)
2. A person can only object against up to 10 registered names only; and
3. A fee of RM10 is to be charged for each name being submitted for protest.
Section 15 made me choked on my tau foo fah, I tell you.
1. 7 days only limitation
Every quarterly updates may contain hundreds and thousands of names. Is it reasonable to allow only a 7 day window period for public to review and investigate?
Revisiting the disgusting errors DAP recently discovered – lesbian marriage involving a female army personnel, dozens of army wives carrying IC which actually belong to their husbands etc. These are not innocent, straight forward errors but sophisticated mischief not visible to the naked eye or reasonable bystander.
"This shows there are systematic way ways of planting voters by irresponsible parties..."

New voters have to wait for months before they can check if they are being registered properly so why the glaring double standard here? Income Revenue Board can investigate up to 7 years back, testing our memories to the limit and in case of fraud, there is no limit in the number of backlog years.
Yet, how come the mistake ridden SPR / EC is so damn well protected with this 7 days only ruling? Does the legislators ever thought of interested citizens do have other things to do in life? After multiple orgamistic screaming of Rakyat Diutamakan, this punter is extremely disappointed with the fake front, all form no substance.
How prominent and transparent are displays of these supplementary electoral rolls? We can see the newspaper publishing those lucky ones heading to National Service but where is the electoral roll being located for public inspection? SPR/EC has been doing a very poor job in this respect.
2. 10 objections per person
Limiting a person’s right to object more than 10, is without logic, especially with an error prone SPR/EC.
If a policeman sees 3 men committing a crime should we legislate and limit him to say, he can only arrest 2 persons a day only? Would that make sense? Why limit pursue of correct records?
To this tax payer, it appears to be a form of non-financial bailout of a Barisan Nasional dependent/supporting party.
If there is a sysmatic abuse, e.g. the dozens of shemales in the army camp, then surely there would be more than 10. A talented and committed individual who uncovered this would be blocked by this stupid rule.
I wonder what was said in the parliament when they scanned through this section, or did the ruling coalition bulldozed this through?
3. RM10 fee per protested person
It is also adding insult to injury to penalize concerned and justice-minded citizens for RM10 when SPR/EC (already well funded by tax payers) is suppose to investigate and correct their own gross, laughable and irresponsible or even errors.
If anything, the RM10 should be taken out from the salary of the offending SPR/EC personnel who is guilty of an offence under section 3 (1)(a) of Akta Kesalahan Pilihanraya, 1954 for knowingly make any false statement on or in connection with any application to be placed on any register of electors.
So when PAS brought up the magical 170,818 71'ers to JPN, would SPR/EC be anticipating a windfall of RM1,708.180 then? This is as plain a ripe off as I see it.
Helluva for Rakyat Diutamakan.
The 3 rules above are designed to frustrate initiatives to detect and act against deliberate or mass manipulation of electoral roll. The people drafting and approving this piece of legislation clearly do not have idea what fairness and justice means, or worse, have certain agenda in mind and practice.
The BN sponsored election practices review committee would do well to answer this tax payer by addressing the above.
ReplyDeletewritten by adobe, September 28, 2011 21:34:14
In Malaysia, we have a culture of 'other people's fault, but it is my problem."
written by Unfair-Laws, September 28, 2011 14:11:12
After nearly half a century of ruling over the people and country, the Umno elites has became the masters over the people as slaves. Through their unfair laws passed to serve their own kinds and on purposes to enrich themselves only, the people of Malaysia are now divided into 2 economic classes of extremes: the super rich malay unmo elites and their cronies form the top class, and the common poor of working masses now become the lower class.
Why now we have extreme economic classes of people? This is due to unfair laws and policies design to suit their kinds, and using racial and religious issues as the fronts to promote themselves as leaders fighting for people of their own groups. But in reality, once in power, they plunder the country wealth for themselves in big ways through contracts, APs, rents, stealing and corrupt means; and only pretending to help the people by giving tiny leftover of clumps to the needy poor begging for subsidies and donations to survive.
This is the actual situation in the country and is getting worse; the rich become richer, millionaires become billionaires, the poor become poorer. Who are they? They are cronies of the ruling elites, sons and relatives of PM and ministers, of past and present. Who are the poor? You, me, the common working people with no connection to the ruling politicians of Umno and BN .
But there's hope if we the common people are united as one, we can only free ourselves from the shackles of slavery if we throw the BeEnd out, and provided we don't sell out our votes to the devils of the BN.
Come GE13, we, the common people will change the people of Putrajaya!
written by Abu Dajal, September 28, 2011 13:08:27
ReplyDeleteWith this kind of Election Commissions how can we do an ABU
Make sure we clean them up,use the strongest detergent before we can dream of a GE13 vistory
written by nocha libre, September 28, 2011 12:42:09
Only GOD can tell us what to do with Suruhanjaya Penipuan Rakyat
written by Pegasus, September 28, 2011 12:24:51
Ameno does bend the rules to accommodate its own version of rule which only benefit it self!
written by panca, September 28, 2011 11:46:49
written by IbnAbdHalim, September 28, 2011 11:19:35
Can we safely assume that those people up there who made the rules and regulations governing the electoral rolls are worse than idiots?
IbnAbdHalim, how about this?
Can we safely assume that those people up there who made the rules and regulations governing the electoral rolls are not worse but smart deliberate idiots?
So the blame 'cannot' be the Master!
written by Decha, September 28, 2011 11:44:14
The current BN Administration is like an "aggresive cancer".
It's rotten to it's core and is spreading fast.
You have no choice because therapy is now too late.
You just have to amputate the arm or the leg or undergo transplant of the kidney or the liver while there is still hope.
Malaysians, GE13 is your hope before the cancer spread further.
written by simon chim, September 28, 2011 11:41:02
written by sopi, September 28, 2011 11:34:14
That's totally right. The country needs good, intelligent people to make good laws themed on fairness and justice. Umno will never be able to do that because of their long culture of wilfully bending rules to stay in power, which has ultimately led to the rampant corruption practised by its officials from top to bottom. It is clear they only scream race and religion to entrench themselves in Putrajaya. Perhaps, the time has come has for it all to change.
written by Johan, September 28, 2011 11:24:45
Samy Vellu and liong sik must have given up their arses for sale to mamakkutty
written by IbnAbdHalim, September 28, 2011 11:19:35
Can we safely assume that those people up there who made the rules and regulations governing the electoral rolls are worse than idiots?
written by Wonkieman, September 28, 2011 10:53:00
Now you know why we should vote in ABU (anything but UMNO).
written by panah hijau, September 28, 2011 10:26:56
The Tiger can hides in its stripes..but it cant hides its dirty-muddy pawprints
written by panah hijau, September 28, 2011 10:26:00
The Tiger can hides in its stripes..but it cant hides its dirty-muddy pawprints