Not only the voting processes is screwed up, but the whole world too (dwi bahasa)

I am shocked beyond words when I read Anthony Loke’s disclosure in a press conference today, pointing out numerous army wives carrying ICs with ending odd numbers (which is meant for male citizens) and bearing the exact date of birth of their husbands. One or two of such instances can be explained as errors or coincidence but dozens of them appearing in 2nd quarter of 2011 while GE hype is brewing?

Saya terpegun tatkala membaca siding akhbar saudara Anthony Loke hari ini yang mendedahkan isteri anggota tenteta membawa IC berakhir dengan nombor ganjil (yang memang ditetapkan untuk golongan lelaki) dan mempunyai tarikh lahir yang sama dengan suami mereka. Sekiranya berlaku sekali dua kali, mungkin boleh dianggap sebagai kesilapan atau kebetulan namun mengapakah berpuluh-puluh kejadian ini menjelma serentak dalam suku tahun 2 2011 tatkala ura-ura pilihanraya akan diadakan?


They use the ordinary ICs of their husband to register but under the wives’ names - a wife could still have the ordinary voter’s right so she might be able to vote twice,” exclaimed Loke in a press conference called to reveal the discrepancies.

“The IC numbers definitely belong to men as these numbers are odd numbers, while female IC numbers are even numbers, and this clearly states that she is a voter in Rasah in the army camp,” said Loke.

For example, Noor Atikah Zakaria holds a male’s MyKad, 840306-02-5561, and the army officer believed to be her husband, Mohd Hasbullah Abdul Wahab, has an army MyKad, T1140868 - where both are registered with the same date of birth, locality and voting district.

“All these are new registrations, it can’t just be a normal mistake. The roll has been updated so 19 incidents in one constituency can’t be a mere coincidence,” said Loke


Are there similar cases in army camps all over the country? Call me a cynic but this looks more like systematic design rather than honest error. And EC and possibly JPN have hell a lot to explain.
Adakah kes-kes seumpama ini berlaku di semua kem tentera seluruh negara? Keadaan ini nampaknya seperti hasil daripada rancangan yang teratur dan bukanlah kesilapan yang tidak disengajakan. SPR dan mungkin JPN perlu membuat penerangan teliti kepada rakyat Malaysia.

And to think the big general asking his troops and the rakyat to be loyal to something that is proven to be tarnished?
Ingat tak rayuan seorang jeneral besar baru-baru ini supaya tentera dan rakyat taat kepada sesuatu yang kini nampaknya sudah tercemar?

Ordinary folks might shrug and say, “Oh yea, what is new? Does not impact me directly wat!”

Orang ramai mungkin kurang peka terhadap keadaan ini dan tanya apakah pula hubung kait dengan hidup seharian mereka.

Let’s explore the possible consequences should a person can turn up with such vote as well as other places that you and me visit on a daily basis.  Who should feel afraid, very afraid?

Marilah kita merenung sejenak siapakah yang harus rasa bimbang atau tertekan kini kerana sekiranya seseorang itu boleh muncul mengundi dengan IC palsu, maka beliau boleh juga bawa I.C. palsu ke merata-rata tempat (sekiranya I.C. palsu ini wujud)

I can imagine bankers getting jittery. Already required by law to monitor money trails to detect money laundry activities, people running to them with fake I.C. to open bank accounts will hardly make the banks’ jobs’ easier.
Criminals would be encouraged to commit more fraud as they can dupe people to deposit money into bank accounts controlled by them but not registered under their names.
The Bank Negara Governor would be hard pressed to look respectable in international conferences that she attends.

Pihak Bank
Para bank harus takut kerana mereka diwajibkan undang-undang mengesan aliran wang haram. Kini dengan adanya orang membuka akaun bank dengan IC palsu, pemantauan mereka bertambah sukar.
Para penjenayah pun digalakkan melakukan lebih banyak penipuan kerana mereka boleh menipu orang ramai memasukkan wang dalam akaun bank yang dikawal oleh penjenayah tetapi bukan bawah nama mereka.
Gabenor Bank Negara pun tertekan tatkala menghadiri siding-sidang yang berkenaan di liar negara nanti

Credit card companies
It is so easy to obtain credit card nowadays so if a person with a fake I.C. can also come up with some fake payslips to dupe credit card companies into granting credit cards. The higher risk and instances of default will force the credit card companies to pass such cost of business to the genuine and law abiding credit card holders.
This would create also, wide spread uncertainty to merchants accepting payments from credit cards too.

Syarikat-syarikat kad kredit
Kini amat senang memohon kad kredit dan oleh itu seandainya seseorang memiliki IC palsu, kemungkinan juga beliau boleh memalsukan penyata gaji palsu dan berjaya menipu syarikat kad kredit untuk mendapatkan kad kredit. Syarikat kad kredit yang menanggung risiko serta kerugian lebih tinggi akan mengenakan bayaran lebih ke atas pemilik kad yang jitu dan jujur untuk meliputi kerugian tersebut seterusnya meningkatkan lagi kos hidup.
Para peniaga pun akan rasa khuatir semasa menerima bayaran dengan kad kredit.

Ah Longs
A person with fake I.C. may come with fake payroll slips and ask for money. The Ah Long might end up chasing nobody, or worse, somebody else.

Ah Long
Pemilik IC boleh menipu ah long dengan penyata gaji palsu dan ah long mungkin tidak dapat cari peminjam yang betul, atau pun lebih teruk lagi, menekan orang yang salah.

Handphone sellers and people standing near bombs
Following  September 11 and other terrorism acts across the world, where mobile phone can be used as a remote detonator of explosive, new pre- and post-paid mobile network subscribers are required to be registered before being allowed to obtain the service. Imagine a terrorist manage to get a fake IC and register with Maxis, Celcom and Digi to acquire at least 3 ready and handy  detonator of explosive.
Tell me you are not bothered if chances for terrorists to successfully detonate a bomb next to you,  scattering nails, sharpen steel pallets etc, have been increased many folds.
I am sure they come with international roaming and god help us if a bomb was triggered, say in London or New York, from a Malaysian registered cellphone.

Penjual telefon bimbit dan orang berdekatan dengan bom
Selepas berlakunya peristiwa September 11 serta lain-lain angkara keganasan hendap seluruh dunia, di mana telefon bimbit dijadikan pencetus bom kawalan jarak jauh, semua pengguna telefon perlu berdaftar terlebih dahulu sebelum dibenarkan perkhidmatan jaringan. Cuba bayangkan seorang pengganas keji mendapatkan IC palsu dan mendaftarkan diri dengan Maxis. Celcom dan Digi untuk mendapatkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga saluran pencetus bom.

Beranikah anda kata anda tak bimbang ada kemungkinan sebutir bompenuh dengan serpihan besi dan paku berjaya diletupkan di tepi anda telah bertambah besar?
Dengan adanya perkhidmatan roaming, teruknya jika berlakunya sebutir bom diletupkan di London atau New York dan hasil siasaten menunjukkan pencetus bom adalah daripada telefon bimbit Malaysia.

PDRM and victims of crime
It is easier for police to track down criminals once they got their handphone numbers registered under their name. Imagine police tracing handphone registered under a different name from criminals and not nabbing the right person. This would encourage criminals no end and surely we do not need this.
Also, a person with fake I.C. may be able to commit petty crimes and when detained by the police, produce a fake I.C. hence the petty crime record is wrongly accorded to the unknown victim or not existence person.
Due redress to victims of crimes would also be frustrated.

PDRM dan mangsa jenayah
Sekiranya pelanggan telefon bimbit telah didaftarkan bawah nama yang sebenar, maka kerja polis mencari penjenayah adalah  lebih muda. Cuba bayangkan betapa sia-sianya polis mengesan nama palsu  yang penjenayah gunakan untuk berdaftar dengan syarikat perkhidmatan telefon bimbit. Ini akan banyak membantu para penjenayah.
Seseorang dengan IC palsu mungkin boleh menunjukkan IC palsunya kepada pihak polis setelah ditahan dan rekod jenayah akan tersangkut ke atas mangsa yang jahil ataupun orang yang tidak wujud.
Lantas mangsa jenayah pula mungkin tidak akan dapat menuntut keadilan pula.

Company secretaries
When a person wishes to set up a private limited company (sdn bhd) to run a business, he or she will get assistance from company secretaries with incorporation and registration of new companies.
 Imagine a person with a fake I.C. registering  as many companies as he or she wishes, and committee commercial fraud with it such as pyramid scheme, fake products, scratch and sucker competition etc.
This could result in wide spread commercial scamming which can only harm the interests of consumers and investment climate of the country, making our commercial environment a pariah one.

Setiausaha syarikat
Pihak yang ingin berniaga dan memulakan syarikat sendirian berhadnya akan berhubung dengan setiausaha syarikat untuk mengasaskan dan mendaftarkan syarikat barunya.
Cuba bayangkan seseorang dengan IC palsu akan mendaftarkan sebanyak syarikat yang beliau ingin dan melakukan penipuan  dengan menjalankan skim-skim piramid, barangan palsu, pertandingan “korek dan kena tipu” dan sebagainya.

Ini akan memupuk gejala penipuan dan menjejaskan kepentingan para pengguna serta peluang pelaburan di negara kita , mengakibatkan suasan perniagaan yang buruk.

Jabatan Imigresen Negara
If a person turn up at JIN and produce a fake I.C. and ask for a Malaysian passport, how could the application be turned down? If the holder of the fake I.C. subsequently carried out criminal activities carrying a Malaysian passport, then the issuers of such fake I.C. is responsible for the suffering of people in another country as a result of the criminal act, as well as the damage to the reputation of Malaysia.

Jabatan Imigresen Negara
Sekiranya seseorang mengunjungi JIN dengan IC palsu untuk memohon paspot, bolehkah permohonan ini ditolak? Jika pemegang IC palsu ini menjalankan kegiatan jenayah di luar negara dengan paspot Malaysia, maka pihak yang bertanggungjawab mengeluarkan IC palsu ini juga bertanggungjawab atas keperitan orang luar negara akibat perbuatan jenayah tersebut, serta pencemaran nama baik Malaysia.

The above list is not complete and god knows what wonders a fake IC wreck unto our lives.
Senarai tersebut bukanlah merangkumi semua dan tak tahulah apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh pemegang IC palsu.

The Home Ministry in charge of national security should consider and take note of the implication as they are in charge of our safety. If ISA can be imposed on human traffickers, would the minister consider issuing fake I.C. as equivalent threats hence act consistently on those who are involved and responsible?
Menteri Hal Ehwal Negeri yang bertanggungjawab atas perihal keselamatan negara patut meneliti akibat kejadian ini. Jika Akta Keselamatan Negeri pernah dikenakan ke atas penyeludup orang, patutkah menteri mengenakan tindakan yang sama dan setimpal ke atas para pemegang dan pengeluar IC palsu ini?
For more sensible option, section 3(1) (a) of the Election Offences Act, 1954 stipulate that any person who knowingly make any false statement on or in connection with any application to be placed on any register of electors; if found guilty, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or both. Given the findings above and others, when are we going to see EC officials being punished in accordance with the law that governs them?

Untuk pihak yang lebih waras, menurut seksyen 3(1) (a) AKta Kesalahan Pilihanraya 1954, seseorang yang terlibat dalam sebarang usaha memalsukan senarai pengundi, sekiranya didapati bersalah, boleh dijatuhkan hukuman penjara tidak melebihi 2 tahun ataupun denda tidak lebih daripada 5 ribu. Memandangkan pendedahan tersebut serta perkara-perkara yang pernah terbongkar dulu, bilakah kita boleh lihat pegawai-pegawai SPR dihukum menurut peruntukan undang-undang negara?

The other question here is whether these army personnel and their spouses are aware of this situation? If they are aware, they are part of a scam and liable to be punished as above, but if they are unaware hence victims, then they should initiate legal action against the EC for abusing their identities.
Soalan lain adalah adakah anggota tentera dan isteri mereka menyedari perkara ini? Jika ya, mereka terlibat dalam penipuan dan boleh dihukum menurut peruntukan tersebut tetapi jika mereka tidak sedar maka mereka adalah mangsa dan harus memulakan tindakan undang-undang terhadap SPR yang telah menyalahgunakan nama mereka.


  1. Eh great job. My next door uncle was talking about this expose this morning.

  2. Thanks Jin Hou, I was just trying to point out the implications to the pubblic. I guess plenty of folks might not understand the implications.

    Yeah bravo Anthony Loke and his team. My hats off to his team for getting this out.

    lee wee tak


    written by Pegasus, September 07, 2011 14:20:49

    Highlighted all the evil doings of the ameno and ec from time to time!
    written by educationist, September 07, 2011 13:06:49

    tq, Lee for giving us all those horror scenarios!!
    But the most frightening is that fact there is an intentional and systematic manipulation of the electoral rolls, with EC as accomplices!!
    The UMNOputras are pulling out all stops to ensure they retain Putrajaya after GE13!!
    The PR must be more vigilant, and make sure all instances of cheating are brought to light!!
    Let's see how the EC & UMNOputras will cheat after that!!

    @ Educationist...I am just expanding on the remarkable work done by YB's team. Ur fear is not unfounded but I would urge peole who want to vote for BN to stay home since your vote has been casted for you. So stay home, enjoy the national holiday and avoid spending on the ever expensive petrol

    - lee wee tak
