Adakah DAP anti-Melayu? Ulasan karyaan Wan Hamidi Hamid

Sekian lama, UMNO sedaya upaya cuba menghumban apa sahaja kutukan dan fitnah sama ada menerusi Utusan Malaysia dan baru-baru ini Perkasa terhadap DAP. Kononnya DAP dalang rusuhan Mei 13 1969, DAP parti komunis, DAP anti-Melayu dan DAP anti-Islam.

Jika DAP memang dalang rusuhan itu, maka soalnya, apakah manfaatnya DAP berbuat demikian? Ia telah menyertai pilihanraya menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan telah mencapai kemenangan yang paling cemerlang ketika itu. Memang tiada masuk akal and tiada motif untuk DAP menimbulkan rusuhan. Hakikatnya siapakah yang telah mengambil kesempatan mengantung parlimen pilihan rakyat selama dua tahun? Perlukah parlimen untuk seluruh Malaysia digantung kerana rusuhan di Kuala Lumpur yang telah ditumpaskan dalam tempoh beberapa hari?

Siapakah yang menimbulkan rusuhan ini sampai sekarang belum kita tahu lagi. Apa yang saya tahu adalah semasa rusuhan tercetus, Lim Kit Siang berada di Sabah untuk berkempen di situ dan tanpa alat perhubungan canggih kini, masakan beliau mengetuai kerja-kerja keji itu?

Di Malaysia, walaupun seseorang itu disyaki membunuh, merogol, mencuri atau apa-apa jenayah pun, dia berhak mendapat peluang disiasat, membela diri dan menjawab tuduhan terhadapnya. Oleh itu, sebagai rakyat Malaysia kurun ke-21 ini, masyarakat Melayu tumpuan propaganda UMNO ini khasnya berhak mendengar suara daripada pihak DAP supaya dapat meneliti hujah kedua pihak untuk menentukan kebenaran.

Maka buku bertajuk “Malaysia Milik Kita Bersama: Perjuangan 45 tahun Parti Tindakan Demokratik” karangan saudara Wan Hamidi ini harus dijadikan rujukan di samping Utusan Malaysia, khabar Roket serta halaman facebook Roketkini untuk tatapan rakyat yang berhak memahami keadaan nan sebenarnya kerana ini akan menjadikan mereka pengundi yang lebih arif.

Saya membeli buku ini in MPH Wangsa Maju, harganya RM15 sahaja.

Halaman facebook "Roketkini"

Rangka buku ini disusun untuk membidas tohmahan dan fitnah selama ini dengan beberapa bahagian yang menerangkan sejarah ringkas DAP, prinsip perjuangan DAP serta cabaran semasa dan hadapannya, khususnya dakwaan bahawa DAP parti komunis, anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam.

Fitnah # 1: DAP parti komunis?
Berhubung dengan dakwaan bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis, saudara Wan Hamidi mengambil ruang besar untuk menerangkan asal usul fahaman komunis dan sosialis. Ringkasnya, falsafah dan perlembagaan DAP berdasarkan kepada fahaman sosialis dan puak sosialis ini adalah pecahan daripada golongan komunis akibat bantahan terhadap fahaman komunis yang radikal (umpamanya golongan macam Lenin dan Stalin). Pihak sosialis menitikberatkan nilai-nilai demokratik sosial, keserdehanaan dan perkembangan minda (intellectual progressive) yang menolak komunisme.

Setahu saya, Parti Komunis Malaya menyeru khalayak mengangkat senjata dan menolak sistem demokrais tetapi DAP melawan menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan menyertai proses demokrasi. Tohmahan UMNO bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis nampaknya jahil dan tidak berasas langsung sekali.

Pulau Pinang berjaya menarik pelaburan asing tertinggi antara semua negeri Malaysia dalam tahun 2010. Jika DAP komunis, sepatutnya DAP menolak semua pelabur dan pelancong asing seperti Korea Utara dan bukanlah meneruskan usaha memajukan iktisad Pulau Pinang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi terbuka dan pentadbiran nan telus.

Menurut buku ini, hakikatnya UMNO lebih intim dengan komunis daripada DAP.

m.s. 38 “Pada 28 Mei 1974, Tun Abdul Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri Pertama daripada Malaysia yang membuat lawatan rasmi ke China…bertemu dengan pemimpin komunis Mao Zedong…menandatangani perjanjian hubungan diplomatik walaupun pada masa itu China masih aktif membantu dan menyokong perjuangan PKM”

Ketika itu, Abdul Razak hendak dapat semula sokongan pengundi kaum Cina manakala China ketika itu masih terpinggir daripada hubungan diplomatik yang meluas maka masing-masing ada agenda sendiri bersandiwara.

m.s. 38 “Pada Ogos 2010, UMNO dan Parti Komunis China menandatangani memorandum persefahaman bersama untuk mengadakan program pertukaran belia…MoU ditandatangan di Beijing di mana UMNO diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agungnya Datuk Tengku Adnan Mansor…”

Fitnah # 2 DAP anti-Melayu?

Dalam menuduh DAP sebagai anti-Melayu dan cauvinis Cina tanpa bukti-bukti bernas, hairan juga UMNO tidak menuduh Malaysia Chinese Association sebagai cauvinis Cina dan Malaysia Indian Congress sebagai cauvinis India meskipun daripada nama pun kita tahu siapakah yang berlandasan segala-galanya atas soal kaum.

Petikan m.s. 93 “…selepas Mac 2008, isu Melayu Pulau Pinang yang biasanya timbul setahun sekali secara tiba-tiba ini menjadi terpinggir dan ditindas setiap hari…

Isu-isu hidup seharian serta persoalan kecekapan pentadbiran telah dipesongkan ke permainan perkauman dan hasutan….”


m.s. 94 “Semenjak pelaksanaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru hingga tahun 1990-an Pulau Pinang telah dibekalkan dengan infrastruktur pembangunan khusus untuk Melayu melalui Yayasan Bumiputera Pulau Pinang, Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang dan Koperasi Gabungan Negeri serta bantuan dana kepada …Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Pualu Pinang….”

m.s. 95 “..UMNO mempunyai lebih 50 tahun untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah…namun mengikut kajian UMNO Pulau Pinang sendiri pada awal tahun-tahun 2000-an, walaupun ekonomu negeri berkembang, kedudukan orang Melayu dikatakan masih berada di takuk lama…”

Keadaan perniagaan untuk kontraktor-kontraktor Melayu bertambah baik setelah DAP mengambilalih kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang.

m.s. 97 “…Guan Eng mendedahkan fakta bahawa kontraktor mendapat 100% tender projek Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, dan 98% projek Jabatan Kerja Raya …. Kontraktor bukan Melayu … hanya mendapat kontrak…2% sahaja…

Guan Eng membalas tuduhan (bahawa kontraktor Melayu dipinggirkan) …’urus tadbir dan sistem tender terbuka telah membuktikan bahawa kontraktor Melayu memang berjaya secara terbuka. Yang tak mampu saing hanya kontraktor UMNO yang lembik dan dayus sehingga bergantung kepada kabel politik UMNO dan hidup sebagai kontraktor kroni’.”

m.s.97, “Kecekapan, ketelusan dan keikhlasan urus tadbir kerajaan negeri telah diakui oleh Pengerusi Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia cawangan Pualu Pinang Datuk Mohamed Fadzill Hassan yang telah memohon maaf kepada Ketua Menteri dalam satu pertemuan di Komtar, George Town pada Januari 2011.”

Para pemimpin DAP memang ada membantu orang Melayu tetapi media-media kawalan UMNO tidak berani melaporkan usaha-usaha DAP ini. Kerana membantu gadis Melayu teraniaya, Lim Guan Eng telah dipenjarakan dan hilang kerusi parlimen dan pencennya. Belum pernah kita jumpa mana-mana pemimpin UMNO yang membantu sampai tahap ini.

Kerana Utusan Malaysia hanya minat dengan cerita dongeng oleh blogger seperti Big Dog yang tidak munasabah, usaha-usaha murni seperti bantuan Ahli Parlimen Rasah, YB Anthony Loke kepada keluarga Melayu tidak dilaporkan. Hasad Dengki dan fitnah diutamakan, usaha-usaha murni dan perikemanusiaan dibelakangkan. Itulah falsafah media kawalan yang kita harus tolak dan pulau.

Fitnah # 3 DAP anti-Islam?

m.s. 75 “…pemimpin UMNO merasakan bahawa dengan mengutuk dan menfitnah DAP, mereka akan dapat menarik sokongan Melayu….mereka menganggap semua orang Melayu bersikap perkauman seperti mereka juga…..bagi DAP, setiap insan mempunyai hak asasi yang sama tanpa mengira latar belakang dan keturunan mereka. Atas prinsip ini juga DAP menghormati Islam kerana Islam sebagai Ad-Din benar-benar menjamin hak saksama antara manusia tanpa mengira warna kulit dna keturunan.”

Jika DAP benar-benar anti-Melayu dan Islam, mengapakan PKR dan PAS boleh bekerjasama dengan DAP menyertai pilihanraya serta mentadbir 5 negeri di Malaysia?

Sejauh manakah kejayaan propaganda UMNO bertujuan menjauhkan masyarakat Melayu daripada DAP selama ini? Saya rasa sekiranya suatu pembohongan diulang berkali-kali, ada juga orang yang akan percaya yang karut itu benar dan yang benar itu karut.

Namun mujurnya ada rakyat Malaysia yang kini pandai menafsir dan menilai samasa maklumat yang diberi itu patut diterima atau ditolak.

YB Teo Nie Ching, ahli Parlimen Serdang bergaul mesra dengan masyarakat Melayu di kawasan beliau

Menurut laporan China Press pada 20 Mei, seorang rakyat Malaysia yang penuh bertanggungjawab, Encik Sufaiya (terjemah terus daripada tulisan Cina, jika silap saya minta maaf) telah membawa perhatian ADUN Bukit Kepayang, YB Cha Kee Chin daripada DAP, kepada angkara pekerja Pos Malaysia Berhad membuang beribu-ribu surat ke dalam belukar. YB Cha telah memuji beliau sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang patut dijadikan iktibar dan minta penjelasan daripada pihak Pos Malaysia.

Peristiwa kecil tersebut rasanya tidak dilaporkan dalam Utusan Malaysia, masakan hakikat seorang warga Melayu boleh berjumpa wakil rakyatnya daripada DAP untuk menyelesaikan masalah hidup seharian boleh dipaparkan dalam akhbar ini?

Saya rasa jika masyarakat Melayu hendak tahu jawapan nan sebenarnya, terus pergi jumpa dan bertanyakan pemimpin-pemimpin DAP mengenai pendirian mereka. Sama ada para pembaca rencana ini bersetuju dengan rumusan saya atau tidak itu tak penting tetapi apa yang penting ialah anda harus berkemampuan menafsir dengan rasional dan berdasarkan fakta, dan setidak-tidaknya bacalah buku ini sebelum membuat kesimpulan anda sendiri.

The Worst Blog on the Planet

One of the most trashy blogs around- The Unspinners. The bloggers of this blog purport to 'dedicate this blog to unravel spins and lies. Mature, rational, and civil comments encouraged...'. However, their blog postings have no substance of any intellectual sort and is totally the opposite of their namesake- spinning lies, racist remarks and crap. I have never seen blogs written with such a high level of stupidity. Of late this blog have ramped up several notches in the racism meter. Their post called Chauvanist Chinese discriminate other Malaysians and my response is highlighted in blue below.

Above: Racist pic appearing on The Unspinnersarticle. No difference from Nazism.

Above: Hail UMNO, Hail Hitler.

• Most private organisations including TMI are dominated by the Chinese and/or their political agenda. Being a Malaysian- Chinese I don't have any political motives- I just want the constant harassing on race to stop on the UMNO papers and blogs.

• Chinese people have a tendency to assign negative stereotypes on other races (especially the Bumiputera races). This is sometimes true but not all Chinese are like this. For the record, I am not like this. However pro-UMNO bloggers such as The Unspinners are worse- their aim is to spread anarchy by playing the race card ie their ultimate aim is to start a race riot. They are Nazi.

• They exhibit cliquish, insular, secretive and calculating behaviour. 1) Calculating behavior is OK- it is the opposite of reckless spending and not minding your daily expenses. You can't correlate frugal living to a race, shitheads. No wonder household debt in Malaysia is on the rise. 2) Insular and secretive- UMNO is racist but yet accuse the race-victimized as racist. 

• Chinese people favour fair-skinned people even though fair skin is disadvantageous in Malaysia’s sunny climate. This sentence doesn't make sense- but it is correct to say being fair-skinned is not really good in this UMNO racist-driven climate. What do make sense are the number of 'kulit cerah skin products catered to Malays. You can get the panduan for kulit cerah from and

• They admire China’s achievements, despite China’s oppressive regime. I'm indifferent on China's 'achievements' or 'regime'. I'm more concerned for Malaysia with its rising external debt and creeping inflation.

• Malaysian Chinese use the Chinese languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien etc.) to isolate their discussion from others while in their presence. Chinese is a major trade language, bigger than BM. Better start learning it, folks!

• The Chinese are not honest about failures of ethnic Chinese leaderships in Philippines and Thailand. I didn't go as far as Thailand or other places. I'm more concerned about this country's state of affairs and moron bloggers spreading lies amongst the people.

• Tokenism is rife in Chinese companies. Duh?!

• Chinese will use changing criteria to judge people of other ethnicities; one day it is academic merit, another day it may be “character.” Duh again.

• The Chinese favour their own kind over others, even when other kinds are of equal stature. 'Own kind' are the people who work hard and contribute to the economy. There's no equal stature per se, because the Malaysian Government has created an unequal 'Lords of the Earth' supreme race.

• Malays fear to voice out against Chinese for fear of repercussions especially with respect to their employment prospects in the private sector. What fear? They are doing it all the time.

• The Chinese still hold strongly to their ethnic heritage. That's because they don't have a Bumiputera 'heritage'. And 'Bumi' is a self-created, self-glorified policy.

• They diminish the achievement of other races, especially the Malays. I would advise you guys to get into the real spirit of competition before it is too late (ie country bankrupt).

• Harp on Bumiputera affirmative action even though Chinese people still continue to succeed at all levels of Malaysian life (even government). What's wrong with succeeding? I think you guys at The Unspinners are mixing with the wrong crowd (underachievers) for too long.

• Any Malay who has strong academic background is denounced as attaining it due to “Bumiputera privilege”, even though he graduated overseas with his own money. Duh who cares who pays for someone's education if he/ she deserves it.

• Use their overseas Chinese connection to gain unfair advantage, but pretend the advantage is minimal. All my family members are here, since few hundred years back. The only 'connection' is hard work, morons. The unfair advantage as mentioned above, is given by UMNO by crippling you guys with the Bumi tag. Talk about opium!

• The Chinese always make unfair comparisons of Malaysia with other non-Muslim, post-industrial countries. The comments are data-supported and serve as wake-up calls. That's the meaning of patriotism.

• Chinese people don’t recognise the special position Islam has in Malaysia. What's so special about if it known for spreading anarchy (internationally) and racism (locally)? There are many Muslims who are trying hard to change this perception but UMNO nor pro-UMNO bloggers are not one of them. 

• Enjoy talking bad about Malaysia (even when working/living overseas) as if Malaysia is on the same level as Zimbabwe even though Malaysia is far from it. The World Bank is 'talking bad' (in a diplomatic way) about Malaysia. Go whack them, wankers.

• Highly critical of institutions that are Bumiputera-dominated (ie. government), but non-critical of institutions that are Chinese dominant (like gambling). 'Bumiputera' is Nazism ie creating the 'supreme' race by way of Government policy, how not to be highly critical of this.

• Show no desire to partake in patriotic activities (e.g. serve in army), but cry foul when other people point out their lack of patriotism. I am patriotic but certainly do not have aspirations joining Tentera nor PDRM nor MACC. I build my country economically by helping train the workforce and helping to keep jobs in the country. I contribute to taxes to ensure the Government has sustainable revenue to in turn contribute to the rakyat, Malays included. However I cry afoul when certain stupid people link patriotism to joining the army.

• Show lack of understanding about Islamic religion, but enjoy taking Quranic verses out of context to further their argument. I have not read the Quran because it is not widely available and I certainly do not know any Quran verses. However I do know the many from the supreme race of Malaysia who wants to own the word 'Allah' and is working hard to stop other religious books into Malaysia. These people are also working hard towards a racial riot in Malaysia as well. I certainly have a lack in understanding of this.

• If pushed to think “outside the box”, the Chinese would favour Western ideals above Islamic ideals. I definitely do not favor terrorism, inside or outside the box; nor this racism that's propagated by Muslims of this country. Racism is a form of blatant terrorism. 

• The Chinese show lack of respect toward Malay leaders, but accord unnecessary respect to their Chinese community leaders, even though they hold no significant position in government. I don't really respect Chua Soi Lek nor any of his predecessors so fuck you guys for putting words in my mouth.

• Always speak about “brain drain” but still keep Malaysian passports. The Brain Drain report was released by The World Bank, morons. Keeping passports are the least of the problem, er... if you guys could understand what was written in the Report.

• Willing to spread disingenuous claim that Bumis have already achieved economic parity with the Chinese. It's a fact supported by data not a 'claim'.  Anyway, poverty knows no boundaries- may it be Malays, Chinese or Indians. I feel ashamed that any human being would admit themselves as having not made it yet despite 60 years of special policy.

• Use Indians who have achieved to further their claim that Indian community is ahead of the Malay community. Don't bring the Indians into this.

• Comments in support of Chinese chauvinistic agenda are allowed to be posted in TMI, while others are censored. For Sabah and Sarawak, replace Malay with Bumiputera or Pribumi. In some cases, their discrimination is more visible. Waste of time my time to comment on this.

The Chinese want control of political power. Will they get better or worse with power? What political power are you talking about. You have been drinking too much 'Kopi Jantan' and there's all the power to it. On the other hand UMNO is obsessed with 'power' and will sacrifice everyone to a race riot to remain in Government-control.

There it is- the rotten-tomato blog of the month.

Recent changes announced by the Election Commission do not contribute to free and fair elections

via Bersih 2.0 by bersih on 19/05/11

Press Statement: 20 May 2011

BERSIH 2.0 is concerned with the announcements made by the Election Commission (EC) on changes of postal voting and the barring of polling agents and counting agents from bringing their mobile phones into the polling and counting centres.

1. Postal ballot system must be reformed

On 12 May, Sinar Harian reported an announcement by EC Chairperson Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof that postal voting rights are now strictly for personnel of security forces posted overseas and at border areas . He also stated that other personnel of security forces will have an allowance of “early voting” two or three days earlier at designated polling areas instead of postal voting as practiced previously.

BERSIH 2.0 regards these changes as insufficient to guarantee a free and fair election that ensures fulfilment of voters’ rights. There have been many changes made to the list of those eligible to vote via postal ballot but yet, voter disenfranchisement that could be addressed by postal voting remains. Civil society has long called on the EC to reform the postal ballot but the recommendations have fallen on deaf ears. This poses many questions regarding the credibility of the EC – is the EC merely a political tool or does the EC lack understanding of the rightful purpose of the postal ballot system?

In principle, the postal ballot system must ensure the facility is available to all and mandatory to none. The EC must attempt to the best of its abilities to uphold voters’ rights and reduce disenfranchisement.

BERSIH 2.0 has also been informed of increased number of voters in two constituencies. In Bandar Tun Razak, there has been an increase of 4,000 new postal voters and in Sri Serdang, there is an increase of 6,000 new voters. BERSIH 2.0 questions the sudden increase of voters which could be an indicator of many factors which may include redelineation process or registration of military spouses. In addition, the EC must clear the confusion over the actual number of postal voters that have been increased in the constituency of Pangkor as raised by Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir .

2. Barring of mobile phones by polling and counting agents

On 16 May, Berita Harian reported that polling and counting agents from political parties will no longer be allowed to carry mobile phones into the polling and counting centres with effect from the 13th General Election (GE) onwards .

BERSIH 2.0 condemns this move as this would make ineffective the crucial role of the polling and counting agents in monitoring irregularities and discrepancies of the polling and counting process. For example, the recently concluded Sarawak state elections saw election violations where polling agents found members of political parties campaigning within the polling centres. Having their mobile phones while on duty allows the polling and counting agents to effectively feed information of any irregularities to their political parties and ensure higher transparency of the electoral process.

BERSIH 2.0 questions the EC’s reasoning for barring of mobile phones to prevent political parties from spreading information, specifically unofficial vote tally. Unofficial results of the vote counting will still spread but ultimately, only the official results announced by the EC will be taken as final. By reducing the transparency of the counting process, is the EC insinuating of occurrences that may take place in the counting centres in the upcoming 13th General Elections?


1. The EC must act immediately using its powers under Sub-regulation 3(1)(f) of the Elections (Postal Voting) Regulations to make postal voting available to the following groups:
a) Eligible voters living abroad including security forces, civil servants, students, workers, businesspersons and spouses of these persons;
b) Security forces, election workers and Election Commissioners on duty on polling day; and
c) East Malaysians living in Peninsula Malaysia and West Malaysians living in East Malaysia.

2. The EC must clarify the main reason behind the sudden increase in voters at Bandar Tun Razak, Sri Serdang and any other areas with similar situation.

3. The EC should immediately withdraw its decision of barring mobile phones to ensure transparency and greater accountability in the electoral process. The EC must also progressively accept polling and counting agents’ use of new methods of monitoring the electoral process such social media and other technologies as long as they do not violate the Election Offences Act 1954.

Yours sincerely,

Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan
Bersih 2.0 Chairperson

The Steering Committee of BERSIH 2.0 comprises:
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Chairperson), Andrew Khoo, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Datuk Yeo Yang Poh, Zaid Kamaruddin, Subramaniam Pillay and Arul Prakkash.

Making Up for Fuel Subsidy

There was no more jovial cosmetic joking on the radio about Manchester United, late tweeter nights that piss the missues off this time from the Prime Minister.

Fuel subsidies, like opium, to be cut gradually
May 17, 2011

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak says the estimated cost of fuel subsides for this year had soared from RM11 billion to RM18 billion.

OXFORD (England): Fuel subsidies are “like opium” to the Malaysian economy and will have be reduced gradually to bring the budget deficit under control, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said yesterday.

He said his government had budgeted for fuel subsidies to cost the economy RM11 billion this year but that the estimate had soared to around RM18 billion because of high international crude oil prices


Apart from failing to mention that being addicted to (and jealously & irrationally guarding) uncompetitive handouts from public funds is also an opium that breeds complacency, extremely unhealthy work culture and credit worthiness, what is glaringly missing from 1Malaysia Prime Minister's (previously known as “Change Your Lifestyle DPM”) explanation is how much additional revenue Petronas is enjoying, and how much dividend Petronas can and have to pay to the Federal administration.

So out of desperation to find out if the doomed Malaysian consumers can be saved, I spent an hour in the Internet and manage to present some areas where savings at least equalling to the subsidy expense can be made. Let's see if a broken down accountant with bad eye sights can offer any suggestions:

1) we probably do not need some fancy Cougar Armour Personnel Carriers which gobble up RM7.5 billion over 10 years, that will save us RM750 million a year.


The Cougar project has just started while the SGPV/LCS project will be signed, most probably, at Lima 2011 at the end of the year. Again as I had mentioned I am wary of having the government announcing the ceiling budget for any project under negotiations as the final price had always tracked the approved budget. In this case, the LOI was worth RM8 billion and the LOA (contract) is RM7.5 billion, a discount of RM500 million.


The greatest threat we are facing now are probably candle holders, black coffee drinkers, cross country cyclists, people who want to give a teddy bear as a birthday gift, people who lay down on their faces protesting against poison plants etc. Or maybe some idiot with a loud month yelping senseless, outdated and definitely irrelevant provocations from Kelantan to Gombak recently or some lunatic who fancies himself as a respectable journalist or editor.

2)Subsidies paid by Tenaga (recovered from consumers) to IPPs which the then CEO objected and subsequently was retired from his position.


Menurut 1 temuramah akhbar The Star dengan bekas CEO TNB, Tan Sri AniArope. Semasa perjanjian pembelian tenaga (Power Purchase Aggrement –PPA) di buat. Dia hanya diberi seperti, ini harganya, ini jumlah tenaganya dan ini jumlah tahunnya, kamu hanya perlu setuju sahaja. [6]. PPA yang berat sebelah antara IPP dan TNB itu dikatakan menjadi punca Tan Sri Ani meletak jawatan sebagai CEO TNB. Dalam temuramah tersebut, Tan Sri Ani berkata – TNB dipaksa untuk menerima harga yang ditetapkan oleh IPP

Base on the latest audited accounts of TNB, RM12 billion was paid to these IPPs (Incredibly Profitable Privateers)in 2010

Note at the bottom, "purchase from IPP"; note 5 of Tenaga Berhad's audited accounts 2010

3) Toll compensation paid to Plus Engineering Berhad which in substance is a tax payers' guarantee to the annual dividends declared by the company to its shareholders as the amount of compensation received (RM777 million) correlates nicely to total dividends paid on 18 May 2010 and 24 September 2010 totalling RM875 million.

compensation paid by the government (i.e. tax payers like you and me) to Plus Engineering Berhad; note 5 of it's audited accounts 2010

note the dividend paid by Plus Engineering Berhad as mentioned in note 14 of it's audited accounts 2010, almost the same amount as the compensation. Since when tax payers' are suppose to pay dividends to private investors?

4) Now why does a single Prime Minister Department needs so much money for? Isn't it suppose to be "kepimpinan melalui teladan"? Leading by example is a much appreciated form of leadership, especially from some one who famously and correctly tell people to "change their lifestyle". The allocations for PM department in 2011 budget bloated up to RM15.8 billion. (refer

Previously in 2005, the PM's department budget was RM4.1 billion (Source: The Budget - How the government by spending our money by Teh Chi-Chang)

So lifestyle definitely changed and for the better for certain people! Surely halving the allocation to benefit all Malaysians to a tune of RM7.9 billion rather than selected individuals and exclusive contractors make sense, right?

5) What do we need submarines for? They are no good for chasing pirates and I simply do not see the need for potential sinking coffins in our defense needs - against pirates, peaceful protesters, possible armed lunatics hiding in the natural or concrete jungles. Maintenance cost alone of RM290 million can be saved, even excluding the purchase cost, some dodgy commission which attracted interest from north of China to south of England. (OI did not say the "M" word)

6) if even your own staff do not buy your products and services base on an advertisement that does not reflect the actual quality and substance of your product and services, one should not engage the consultant and professional advertiser in the first place.

the great 1Malaysia sales pitch have been shredded to pieces smaller than micro bikinis by one's own brochure editorial team, own's lietenants, one's outsource contractors etc

No point advertising something that your team do not internalised and associate with, let alone deliver it. Better to save the money, do not advertise and buy some petrol or sugar with it instead---lah!

Well I think I clock up RM22 billion within the hour. Too bad none of it is coming my way, not in a million years!

A Closer look at Migration trends and forecasts

1 Shows the trendline plotted from the 2010 (previous year) World Bank migration data. Back in 2010, the figure 2,357,603 was the forecast number of immigrants coming into Malaysia. This figure is higher than the 1.8 million number provided by the Jabatan Imigresen a year later.

2 The 1.8 million above excludes expatriates (which makes up a small proportion only of total number immigrants) and mainly comprises of what is depicted in the piechart below. It is interesting to see the actual figure of 1.8 million being much lower than prior year and what was originally forecast. The maid-crisis last year definitely had an impact on migration figures.

3 Shows 2,227,603 in terms of people moving out from Malaysia from the 2010 World Bank data. This figures is however a forecast figure done in 2010.

4 Shows the highest case scenario of emigrants from the latest 2011 World Bank report.

5 Shows the lowest case scenario of emigrants from the latest 2011 World Bank report. Interesting to see both 4 & 5 is lower than prior year forecast of 2,227,603?.

Anyhow, there is an astounding jump from 1995 (1,055,870 Malaysians moving out) to 2005 (1,879,208 Malaysians moving out) and I wonder what are the causes for the lower figures in 2010 ie lower trend of people moving out of Malaysia. However we can't escape the fact that year-on-year based on the World Bank migration data, about 1 million people move out of Malaysia annually. This figure is high comparing to Malaysia's low number of personal income tax payer pool of about only 2 million people.

Tax incentive for the strong and wealthy

Lately, in a dynamic effort to win over urban voters who shun gutter politics and are more livelihood issues focus, the prime minister has taken over the role of many top business executives in announcing various private investment initiatives, probably creating the impression that he is the one who got the projects in.

I never see a prime minister of any country announcing private investment initiatives like that (except the much ridiculed Tricubes Berhad). We have business section in newspapers and corporations hire press officers to do this. Even Mahathir did not run to the podium and make himself the unpaid press officer for Berhad this and Berhad that.

Try google up "Najib announce investment" and you will see a great press officer in action.

Anyway what the top does, the lieutenants might follow.


Saturday May 7, 2011
100% tax relief to boost health tourism

KUALA LUMPUR: Private hospitals involved in the healthcare tourism industry will be given 100% tax exemption for several initiatives that they take up.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said these included the construction of new hospitals and for the expansion, modernisation and refurbishment of existing ones.

He added that the Government was finalising the provision for tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure.

Liow announced this at a press conference after opening HSC Medical Centre here yesterday.

The Government has also made provisions for expenses incurred by private hospitals to obtain domestic or internationally recognised accreditation to be eligible for double deduction incentive under the Income Tax Act 1967.


The thing that put me off is why give tax incentive (read: at the expense of Malaysian tax payers) to wealthy overseas tourists looking for a bargain?

The Malaysian government is actively promoting medical tourism in Malaysia. As a result the number of private hospitals providing quality medical care to international patients has increased over the years. Medical and surgical procedures in Malaysia cost only 20 to 25 percent of the same in USA or UK. The official language of Malaysia is Malay, but English is spoken and understood by a majority of the doctors and health staff. The prices of medical and surgical procedures are a fraction of those in developed countries. For example, a breast enlargement procedure in Malaysia costs around £2,110, whereas in UK it costs between £3,500 and £5,000. Thus, patients achieve a full 50 percent saving. Patients seeking a full facelift including upper and lower eye lid lift, brow lift and neck lift would have to pay out about £2,900 in Malaysia. Whereas in the UK, this procedure would cost between £4,000 and £6,000.

These private hospitals are not exactly struggling to make ends meet. For example, according to the 2009 annual report of KPJ Healthcare Berhad which is owned up almost to 50% by Johor Corporation, the profit numbers and dividends are impressive. Note the effective tax rate is already lower than the statutory rate of 25%. With such profits, do they need more incentive?

Profit has exceeded RM100 million per year while dividends of RM77 million was paid to shareholders.

Johor Corporation, as per their website, stated that

Johor Corporation (JCorp) is a market-driven Johor State Government-linked Corporation. It is to date one of Malaysia’s leading business conglomerates, comprising more than 280 member companies and employing more than 65,000 employees in Malaysia as well as regionally.

Alhamdulillah, the successful growth of the JCorp Group into a sizeable corporate entity that it is today has been fundamentally due to the energy and drive of hundreds of Intrapreneurs throughout the Group, all achieved without any promise of privatisation, stock options, or MBO. JCorp’s Intrapreneurs were energized and driven fundamentally by their higher pursuit for fully translating into reality JCorp’s Business Jihad ideals!

What concerns me is that
1) State government should govern, and stay out of market driving as the role of the government is to regulate, and not profit from what it regulates.

2) Heatlh care should not be privatised. Profiting from a victim of ill health and injuries is immoral and inhumane. It differs little in principle to holding a weaker person in desperate need for ransom. Declaring "business jihad" on our wallets when our loved ones and ourselves are down and suffering, blends painfully with the ever hollow-sounding "rakyat diutamakan" slogan.

By the way, whose political power base is closely link to Johor Corporation?

It seems that economic policies of successive BN administrations have been favouring the strong, e.g. profit guarantees to toll concessionaires, extremely favourable terms to IPPs, approved permits to selected individuals etc.

Looking at the profit and dividend figures sicken me. The middle income group have to bear the extremely high medical cost (recently ING upped my medical insurance premium, citing enormous increase in healthcare cost) while their purchase power takes a battering from raising cost of living (whether due to actual cost increase or market distortion by those sleep-well-at-night speculators). The middle income group choose to go to private hospitals mainly because the service level of public hospital are grossly unsatisfactory. I have some painful personal experience with downright negligent public hospital staff resulting in untold suffering to my family members which I do not wish to share openly.

So, what option does the poor and deprived are left with? I am not talking about those crappy 1Malaysia clinic which at most give band aids and panadols.


According to the whistle-blower, the list of horror stories were endless, but he cited a few examples:

lady in labour is told that she can’t give birth in QEH, while a patient suffering an epileptic fit is whisked away from Likas Hospital to QEH;

child with a broken limb may go to SMC but the surgery can only be done in Likas Hospital;

continuity of care is virtually impossible when patients are moved about every few days;

valuable investigations and data are lost in the process of multiple transfers resulting in costly, repeated tests;

patients who require hospital admission have to be turned away due to the insufficiency of places;

the inpatients meanwhile are packed like sardines in the current wards, with hardly a metre of space between beds. The situation is comparable to a Vietnamese refugee camp, and hospital-acquired infections are the norm rather the exception, as when a patient with tuberculosis coughs his lungs out, everyone in the ward will be inhaling the highly infectious Mycobacterium.

The whistle-blower even claimed that patients have died due to the lack of emergency equipment and the deficient setup at the peripheral wards

Instead of benefiting wealthy tourists who are already benefiting financially, forget about giving them and the profiteers this tax incentive! They are already financially well off. Save the tax incentive and credits for something that truly benefits the rakyat. The 1Malaysia government should look at ways to reduce healthcare costs, increase and improve healthcare options so that Malaysians reeling from 1Malaysia cost of living increase can feel better and safer.

An elected administration has the moral responsibility to ensure its citizens live with dignity and safety.


List of hospital recognised by 1Malaysia government is here.

see if you can recognise the owners.

Major discrepancy in Immigration numbers

Only after I've made the blog posting here, and subsequently read the World Bank's Brain Drain report, I discovered a mistake had been made in my blog. I should have reviewed the World Bank report first instead of just relying on figures from Jabatan Imigresen. That is because there is a huge discrepancy between the Imigresen and the World Bank migration number.

Below are excerpts from both World Bank and Jabatan Imigresen.

Above: Slide presentation from Jabatan Imigresen. The figure of 1.8 million inbound migration is reasonably  supported  by detailed breakdown of nationality but the outbound migration figure (785,000) is vague and nowhere near World Bank figures.

Above: From the fourteenth and one-hundred-thirty-sixth pages of the World Bank Brain Drain Report- big gap betweenthe two reports.
There is obviously a big difference between 785,000 (Jabatan Imigresen figure) and the 1 million plus (lowest World Bank estimation of outbound migrants). I doubt I have the power to summon the World Bank for detailed workings of their figures but as a rakyat I need to question Jabatan Imigresen and Department of Statistics on the quality of their public presentations.

Look at the quality of  'statistics' published at the Imigresen website here:
It is also obvious that either the quality of employee skills in Jabatan Imigresen and Jabatan Statistik is so bad; or there is a deliberate act to release false data deemed as sensitive to the public. Maybe the Jabatan Imigresen figure of 785,000 is just an 'anggaran' but it's an anggaran so inaccurate that it cannot fit into my regression line*.

*The long story on regression line here.

Confusing thinking on direction of education

Vernacular education remains one of the key punching bags of politicians here. Year after year vernacular education system is either under threat or receiving ad hoc allocations come general or by elections, until Pakatan state administrations initiated fixed annual allocation.

Reading Barisan Nasional leaders' messages even around the same day, can be confusing. See below:


Putrajaya looking at ‘1School’ for unity, harmony
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

May 02, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — Putrajaya is to study a proposal for a standardised school system dubbed “1School” which is set to re-ignite debate over the necessity of vernacular schools, similar to the arguments when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad initiated the Vision School to enhance unity.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the Youth Development Lab in the Ministry of Youth and Sports has recommended the establishment of a standardised school system called “1School” to promote unity and diversity.

The lab also has requested the Ministry of Education to draft an education standardisation roadmap that will be divided into four phases against the current national primary school system which has parallels with the Mandarin and Tamil school systems.

Sources said the first phase will be a co-ordinated exchange of programmes between vernacular and national schools while the second phase will be the introduction of a third language in both schools.

He said the programme will initially start in selected schools and later implemented at all schooling levels. The choice of a third language will however be based on the school demography.


Uniformity is on the pipeline? See below:


Umno scholarship and college mooted
Monday, 02 May 2011 Combat

(Bernama) - PAPAR: International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir has suggested initiating an 'Umno scholarship' and establishing an 'Umno College' to project the role of the party in youth development.

He accentuated 'Umno' in both proposed endeavours in order that Bumiputras, in particular, could see and appreciate the party's contributions.

He stressed that both institutions must benefit not just children of Umno members, but of every community "whom we also serve".

Since when an education institution bears a politcal party badge and identity? A clear signal of political indoctrination if you ask me.

So which one is it? Uniformity or each defending their own turf?

The answer is probably here:


Suggestion of 10% Non-Bumi Quota Receives Protest
(since everyone loves this issue so much, I can’t resist to lay my opinion)

When it was first suggested that UITM should accept 10% of Non-Bumis, I thought it was cool. Then, the news came about UITM students going on protest – ok, DOUBLE COOL. I thought that it was cool to exercise your rights as students. And I wasn’t bothered the fact that they wanted to keep UITM to themselves.

AND THEN, these UITM students begin to trash-talk the indians and chinese by saying things like they are rich, the have monopolized the economy, they don’t wash their butts, they eat BABI, bla bla. NOW I’M PISSED.


MCA's threat, but is there a 2 to tango?

What ever the intention is, Make Chinese Anxious, Make Chinese Appreciate, Make Chinese Angry, Manipulate Chinese Awareness and Making Compassionate Appeal etc, Chua Soi Lek has issue his ultimatum to the Malaysian Chinese community.


Sunday May 1, 2011PM: It’s MCA’s message to Chinese voters

KUALA TERENGGANU: MCA has sent a message to the Chinese voters that they cannot support the Opposition and yet hope for a strong representation in the Government, said the Prime Minister.

“If the Chinese voters want to support the Opposition, they will sacrifice parties in the Government.

“If they want to have a more meaningful voice to represent their interest, then they must support the Barisan Nasional component parties,” said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a press conference after launching the Pulau Duyong public housing project yesterday.

Najib said even though the matter of Cabinet representation would only be decided after the general election, MCA's message was clear.

The MCA presidential council had publicly backed its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek's call for the party to give up government posts if the Chinese community did not support its candidates in the general election.

On the stand of MCA that it would continue to be in Barisan, the Prime Minister said the party remained in the coalition because it was a fair government.


CSL's message is:

1) despite Najib's constant sales pitch of 1Malaysia here there and everywhere, Malaysians of Chinese descent, contributors of the bulk of income, sales, service and, post GE-13, GST as well as customs and property taxes, will be maltreated and forgotten the moment MCA is booted out by voters despite unfair electoral practices favouring BNas a result of MCA's own unsatisfactory performance.

2) CSL is suggesting that 1Malaysia Prime Minister with his 1Malaysia administration is going to kill the goose that lay the golden egg, hinting that the administration of which his party currently participates in is racist, lunatic, immature and hypocrite as despite acknowledging Malaysian Chinese's contribution in front of visiting Wen Jiabao, will visit revenge and hell fury on citizens that exercise their constitutional democratic rights.


Najib praises Chinese role in economy, nation building
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

April 28, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak praised Chinese Malaysians today for their role in the economy and nation-building amid racially-charged rhetoric by some Malay organisations that the community was out to take political power.

The prime minister also stressed that Malaysians from the different communities must work together to ensure further success in the push for a high-income nation. His remarks came at the tail-end of a two-day visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

“Thanks to their persistence, determination and sheer hard work… the contribution of the Chinese community to our economy is absolutely crucial to the country as a whole,” Najib (picture) said in a speech to the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCIM).


Notice the Star's headline. Najib is saying "Chua Soi Lek said it, not me".

Even Najib is distancing himself from this last roll of dice. Gerakan tried it in 2008, SUPP tried it in 2011 and now MCA is revisiting this approach again.

Theoretically, in a democracy, voters hold the elected responsible for the trust and confidence vested in; but in Malaysia, the elected hold the voters responsible for maintaining feudal and beggar mentality - "pay up, be grateful and shut up!"

As president of MCA, Chua should know how to write the words "民主", i.e. DEMOCRACY. "民" means the people; "主" means the master. Chua, the 2 words mean "People are the Masters". Not "Master of People".

Barisan Nasional generally and Chua Soi Lek specially have to understand that urban voters cast their votes base on livelihood and national issues. Not skin colour.

MCA have not come to terms that they are voted out because they failed their own KPI. It is BN's own doing. Instead of looking and managing the nation on a holistic basis, everything under BN has to be cut up into respective racial boxes to manage separately - with the exception, of course, tax charging and collecting.

As long as issues are clouded by a layer of race perspective to complicate assessment, debate and evaluation, it is alright as long as the tax money keep coming in. Zero sum game has cost MCA dear in an UMNO dominated BN coalition.

BN have to get something into their head. Just because urban voters (note: I do not classify them as "Chinese Voters") voted against you, it does not mean urban voters do not follow your laws, do not pay you taxes and revolt against you.

Chua's timing is impeccable. He threaten and plea for support and gratitude when an independent party like the World Bank Economist Philip Schellekens has this to say:-

“(Lack of) Meritocracy and unequal access to scholarships are significant push factors and a deterrent to coming back,” said Schellekens. “Non-Bumiputeras are over-represented in the brain drain.”

"Expect the trend to continue,” he said."

In a possible scenario where MCA is booted out in the next GE, and UMNO dominated BN still holding onto federal government, how would the Malaysian Chinese fare?

Would BN then close down Chinese schools, practice wide spread and race specific persecution against tax paying and law abiding citizens? Najib have to confirm whether under his 1Malaysia stance, is this an approach that they are considering and planning for now?
Would this be part of the BN's GE manifesto - "Chinese vote BN otherwise item 1), 2) and 3) (or more)" will be forfeited..

If Chua mention this ultimatum and threat to the Chinese community, then he better jolly well include this in BN's GE manifesto - transparency, openness and honesty means a lot to the voters.

Malaysians should swamp Najib's fabled facebook with this question to agitate Rosmah more, unfortunately.


Najib earns wife’s ire with his nightly iPad jaunts

KUALA TERENGGANU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak updates his own tweets late at night, much to the chagrin of his wife.

Answering questions in a meeting with over 100 of his Facebook friends here, Najib said he often tweeted at night due to his busy schedule


Sorry 1st lady, we tax payers and citizens have a lot on our mind.