Abdul Karim : foot in the mouth?


Abdul Karim: Tak adil halang Taib kumpul kekayaan

The full text of the above article is appended below. I do not know whether Abdul Karim is genuinely clueless or resorting to a desperate defense of his boss.

The opening salvo is already an admission of guilt and a desperate defense. Abdul Karim is not refuting that Taib is amassing wealth, merely saying in his personal opinion, there is nothing wrong if Taib is using his position to accumulate wealth (semasa memegang jawatan).

However, he conveniently or by design, left out any saying about whether the chief minister has or has not made his wealth by way of dictating or influencing the relevant administrative processes such as award of tender and contracts. As tax payers, we are even entitled to question whether Taib is spending our time and money to administer state matters or enriching himself during office hours.

Abdu Karim’s line of reasoning defies both logic and commonsense, let alone worthy of a person holding an important public office.

His wishy-washy statement can’t hold a candle next to the well written, well research disclosure website.


In a democracy, people are elected into office because of integrity and ability plus a willingness to serve. Elected representatives are remunerated by tax collected and owe a fiduciary duty to tax payers and citizen to ensure the wealth of nation is properly managed for benefit of all. He or she is also subject to public scrutiny over his and her personal conduct.

Amassing a fortune while having the administrative power to decide allocation of economic opportunities, and deciding in one’s own favour, is called corruption.

An elected representative with power to rule and regulation must not put himself and herself in a position of conflict of interest. You can't be given power to approve applications while you are in the business yourself. That is basic good governance practice.

If a political secretary of a chief minister cannot get this kindergarten level idea into his thick skull then one wonders his sanity let alone fitness of office. MACC should call him in for questioning. He can well qualify as a suspect with this funny line of reasoning.

If this is not clear enough, Chen Sui Bien of Taiwan, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, our very own Harun Idris were all collecting wealth beyond their official means and ended in jail.

He sounds to me like, “yes, my boss is amassing wealth while he is in office but as long as the ignorant Sarawakians keep voting him in, then the voice of the awaken would be drown by the silence of the ignorant ones.” This is a down right challenge to the citizens of Sarawak. Surely our friends in Sarawak won’t stand for this?

The manner in which YB Ting Tze Hui was ridiculously evicted from the State Assembly was a cowardly and brutal act to suppress the voice of reason and truth. She was accused of making unsubstantiated claims despite quoting a collection of numbers from the Auditor General’s report. If anything, Wong Soon Koh & friends should take the AG to task for supplying YB Ting with a lot of “unsubstantiated claims”.


I think it is time for tax payers to stop all these leakage. The true extend of the leakages will only be known when a separate group of office bearers come in and open up the old books. That would make interesting reading and potential harvest. MACC Act has given the courts a power to recover lost funds and this represent an interesting option for the tax payers to recover what have been lost previously.



Abdul Karim: Tak adil halang Taib kumpul kekayaan

Keruah Usit
Dis 8, 10

Abdul Karim Hamzah, ketua setiausaha politik kepada Menteri Besar Sarawak, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, memberitahu Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) bahawa adalahadilbagi membenarkan Taib mengumpul kekayaan semasa memegang jawatan.

Dalam wawancara dengan RFS, sebuah radio gelombang pendek yang di luar kawalan kerajaan negeri, Abdul Karim menolak laporan sesawang Sarawak Report bahawa keluarga Taib telah mengumpulkan kekayaan yang agak luar biasa. Beliau juga membincangkan Kertas Putih yang kontroversial berhubung 'amalan politik yang tidak sihat' seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Abdul Karim sendiri.

Secara peribadi, saya lihat mesti ada had kepada segala-galanya, awak tidak boleh ada kebebasan mutlak... kebebasan bersuara, ada batasnya. Maksud saya untuk bertindak (bagi kes fitnah) bukan sesenang yang difikirkan... ada kalanya lebih baik membiarkannya sahaja, selepas seketika, ia akan lenyap.”

Beliau juga menafikan laporan di Sarawak Report yang memaparkan kekayaan Taib dan keluarganya yang dikumpul di Eropah, Amerika Utara dan juga beberapa skim tanah yang dibolotinya di Sarawak.

“Cara saya lihat, tiada masalahlah. Apa masalah Sarawak Report? Adakah mereka memperkatakan sesuatu yang berbentuk fitnah atau berniat jahat? Saya tidak fikir menjadi kesalahan kerana menjadi kaya,” kata Abdul Karim.

Apabila ditanya bagaimana gaji Taib sebagai ketua menteri dan anak-anaknya mampu mengaut kekayaan sebegitu rupa, jawapannya: “Bagaimana anda boleh menggunakan gaji sebagai kayu pengukur? Maksud saya, setiap orang harus diberi peluang, jika Taib adalah ketua menteri, saya tidak fikir kita patut hentikan anak-anaknya daripada menjadi kaya ataupun kelurga itu dari menjadi kaya.”

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